Michael's PhD research aims to explore the heterogeneity in bisexual identity (enduring pattern of and/or disposition to experience romantic, emotional and/or sexual attraction to more than one gender/sex). Previous research has often lumped sexual minorities into homogeneous categories and assumed bisexual identity to be monolithic. This research aims to dismantle this, recognising the unique stressors, developmental trajectories and experiences that are specific to bisexual individuals. Accordingly this research hopes to delineate sub-types of bisexuality by exploring pathways to bisexual identity, assessing psychological, sexual, and social health outcomes, and investigating etiologically and phenomenologically distinct experiences. By mapping out the diversity of, and pathways to bisexual identity, this research aims to provide a more nuanced understanding that could inform policy, and lay beliefs and conceptualisations of bisexuality. Further, the findings of this research might guide the development of clinically useful profiles and interventions